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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "vogl.h"
- extern double cos();
- extern double sin();
- #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
- #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
- #define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
- static double F[6][4], S[6][4], I[4], p[MAXVERTS][4];
- static int nout, first[6], numv;
- static long polymodeflag = PYM_FILL;
- static int ip1[MAXVERTS], ip2[MAXVERTS];
- /*
- * Orientation of backfacing polygons(in screen coords)
- */
- static int clockwise = 1;
- static void polyoutline(), polyclip(), shclip(), shclose();
- static int checkbacki(), intersect(), visible();
- /*
- * concave
- *
- * signal wether or not polygons are concave (not a lot of use at the moment).
- */
- void
- concave(yesno)
- Boolean yesno;
- {
- vdevice.concave = yesno;
- }
- /*
- * backface
- *
- * Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. A polygon is
- * backfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is clockwise.
- */
- void
- backface(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- vdevice.attr->a.backface = onoff;
- clockwise = 1;
- }
- /*
- * frontface
- *
- * Turns on culling of frontfacing polygons. A polygon is
- * frontfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is anti-clockwise.
- */
- void
- frontface(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- vdevice.attr->a.backface = onoff;
- clockwise = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polymode
- *
- * Sets the polygon filling mode - only filled or outlined supported
- */
- void
- polymode(mode)
- long mode;
- {
- /*
- * On older SGI Machines this call used to work... On the newer
- * boxes it doesn't do anything. If you want the old stuff then
- * #define OLD_SGI_BOXES somewhere.
- */
- #ifdef OLD_SGI_BOXES
- polymodeflag = mode;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * dopoly
- *
- * do a transformed polygon with n edges using fill
- */
- static void
- dopoly(n)
- int n;
- {
- int i;
- char buf[100];
- if (n > MAXVERTS) {
- sprintf(buf, "dopoly: can't fill a polygon with more than %d vertices", MAXVERTS);
- verror(buf);
- }
- if (!vdevice.clipoff) {
- polyclip(n);
- } else {
- nout = n;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ip1[i] = WtoVx(p[i]);
- ip2[i] = WtoVy(p[i]);
- }
- }
- if (vdevice.attr->a.backface && checkbacki()) {
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (vdevice.fill) {
- if (nout > 2) {
- (*vdevice.dev.Vfill)(nout, ip1, ip2);
- }
- } else {
- vdevice.cpVx = ip1[0];
- vdevice.cpVy = ip2[0];
- vdevice.cpVvalid = 0;
- polyoutline(nout, ip1, ip2);
- }
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polyoutline
- *
- * draws a polygon outline from already transformed points.
- */
- static void
- polyoutline(n, ipx, ipy)
- int n;
- int ipx[], ipy[];
- {
- int i;
- if (n > 2) {
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- (*vdevice.dev.Vdraw)(ipx[i], ipy[i]);
- vdevice.cpVx = ipx[i];
- vdevice.cpVy = ipy[i];
- }
- (*vdevice.dev.Vdraw)(ipx[0], ipy[0]);
- vdevice.cpVx = ipx[0];
- vdevice.cpVy = ipy[0];
- }
- }
- /*
- * polyobj
- *
- * construct a polygon from a object token list.
- */
- void
- polyobj(n, dp, fill)
- int n;
- Token dp[];
- int fill;
- {
- int i, j;
- double vect[4], result[4];
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++, j += 3) {
- vect[V_X] = dp[j + V_X].f;
- vect[V_Y] = dp[j + V_Y].f;
- vect[V_Z] = dp[j + V_Z].f;
- vect[V_W] = 1;
- multvector(result, vect, vdevice.transmat->m);
- p[i][V_X] = result[V_X];
- p[i][V_Y] = result[V_Y];
- p[i][V_Z] = result[V_Z];
- p[i][V_W] = result[V_W];
- }
- if (fill)
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- else
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- dopoly(n);
- vdevice.cpW[V_X] = dp[V_X].f;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Y] = dp[V_Y].f;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Z] = dp[V_Z].f;
- }
- /*
- * poly2
- *
- * construct a polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided by the user.
- */
- void
- poly2(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- double dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly2: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- }
- /*
- * poly2i
- *
- * construct a polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided by the user.
- * Icoord version.
- */
- void
- poly2i(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Icoord dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly2i: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- }
- /*
- * poly2s
- *
- * construct a polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided by the user.
- * Scoord version.
- */
- void
- poly2s(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Scoord dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly2s: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- }
- /*
- * polyi
- *
- * construct a polygon from an (x, y, z) array of points provided by the user.
- * Icoord version.
- */
- void
- polyi(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Icoord dp[][3];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polyi: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- }
- /*
- * polys
- *
- * construct a polygon from an (x, y, z) array of points provided by the user.
- * Scoord version.
- */
- void
- polys(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Scoord dp[][3];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly2s: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- }
- /*
- * polf2
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided
- * by the user.
- */
- void
- polf2(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- double dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polf2: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polf2i
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided
- * by the user. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- polf2i(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Icoord dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polf2i: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polf2s
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an (x, y) array of points provided
- * by the user. Scoord version.
- */
- void
- polf2s(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Scoord dp[][2];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polf2s: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = 0.0;
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polfi
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an (x, y, z) array of points provided
- * by the user. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- polfi(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Icoord dp[][3];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polfi: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * polfs
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an (x, y, z) array of points provided
- * by the user. Scoord version.
- */
- void
- polfs(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- Scoord dp[][3];
- {
- int i;
- double np[MAXVERTS][3];
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("polfs: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)nv; i++) {
- np[i][V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- np[i][V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- np[i][V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- poly(nv, np);
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * poly
- *
- * construct a polygon from an array of points provided by the user.
- */
- void
- poly(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- double dp[][3];
- {
- int i, j;
- Vector vect, result;
- Token *tok;
- int n = nv;
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly: vogl not initialised");
- if (vdevice.inobject) {
- tok = newtokens(2 + 3 * n);
- tok[0].i = POLY;
- tok[1].i = n;
- for (i = 0, j = 2; i < n; i++, j += 3) {
- tok[j + V_X].f = dp[i][V_X];
- tok[j + V_Y].f = dp[i][V_Y];
- tok[j + V_Z].f = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- vect[V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- vect[V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- vect[V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- vect[V_W] = 1;
- multvector(result, vect, vdevice.transmat->m);
- p[i][V_X] = result[V_X];
- p[i][V_Y] = result[V_Y];
- p[i][V_Z] = result[V_Z];
- p[i][V_W] = result[V_W];
- }
- dopoly(n);
- vdevice.cpW[V_X] = dp[0][V_X];
- vdevice.cpW[V_Y] = dp[0][V_Y];
- vdevice.cpW[V_Z] = dp[0][V_Z];
- }
- /*
- * polf
- *
- * construct a filled polygon from an array of points provided
- * by the user.
- */
- void
- polf(nv, dp)
- long nv;
- double dp[][3];
- {
- int i, j;
- Vector vect, result;
- Token *tok;
- long n = nv;
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("poly: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- if (vdevice.inobject) {
- tok = newtokens(2 + 3 * n);
- tok[0].i = POLYF;
- tok[1].i = n;
- for (i = 0, j = 2; i < n; i++, j += 3) {
- tok[j + V_X].f = dp[i][V_X];
- tok[j + V_Y].f = dp[i][V_Y];
- tok[j + V_Z].f = dp[i][V_Z];
- }
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- vect[V_X] = dp[i][V_X];
- vect[V_Y] = dp[i][V_Y];
- vect[V_Z] = dp[i][V_Z];
- vect[V_W] = 1;
- multvector(result, vect, vdevice.transmat->m);
- p[i][V_X] = result[V_X];
- p[i][V_Y] = result[V_Y];
- p[i][V_Z] = result[V_Z];
- p[i][V_W] = result[V_W];
- }
- dopoly(n);
- vdevice.cpW[V_X] = dp[0][V_X];
- vdevice.cpW[V_Y] = dp[0][V_Y];
- vdevice.cpW[V_Z] = dp[0][V_Z];
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- }
- /*
- * pmv
- *
- * set the start position of a polygon
- */
- void
- pmv(x, y, z)
- double x, y, z;
- {
- vdevice.inpolygon = 1;
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- numv = 0;
- p[numv][V_X] = x;
- p[numv][V_Y] = y;
- p[numv][V_Z] = z;
- p[numv][V_W] = 1.0;
- }
- /*
- * pmvi
- *
- * The integer argument version of pmv.
- */
- void
- pmvi(x, y, z)
- Icoord x, y, z;
- {
- pmv((double)x, (double)y, (double)z);
- }
- /*
- * pmv2i
- *
- * The integer argument version of pmv2.
- */
- void
- pmv2i(x, y)
- Icoord x, y;
- {
- pmv((double)x, (double)y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pmvs
- *
- * The integer argument version of pmv.
- */
- void
- pmvs(x, y, z)
- Scoord x, y, z;
- {
- pmv((double)x, (double)y, (double)z);
- }
- /*
- * pmv2s
- *
- * The integer argument version of pmv2.
- */
- void
- pmv2s(x, y)
- Scoord x, y;
- {
- pmv((double)x, (double)y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pmv2
- *
- * set up a polygon which will be constructed by a series of
- * move draws in x, y.
- */
- void
- pmv2(x, y)
- double x, y;
- {
- pmv(x, y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pdr
- *
- * add another vertex to the polygon array
- */
- void
- pdr(x, y, z)
- Coord x, y, z;
- {
- char buf[100];
- Token *t;
- numv++;
- if (numv >= MAXVERTS) {
- sprintf(buf, "pdr: can't draw a polygon with more than %d vertices", MAXVERTS);
- verror(buf);
- }
- p[numv][V_X] = x;
- p[numv][V_Y] = y;
- p[numv][V_Z] = z;
- p[numv][V_W] = 1.0;
- }
- /*
- * rpdr
- *
- * relative polygon draw.
- */
- void
- rpdr(dx, dy, dz)
- Coord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpdr2
- *
- * relative polygon draw - only (x, y).
- */
- void
- rpdr2(dx, dy)
- Coord dx, dy;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * rpdri
- *
- * relative polygon draw. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpdri(dx, dy, dz)
- Icoord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpdr2i
- *
- * relative polygon draw - only (x, y). Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpdr2i(dx, dy)
- Icoord dx, dy;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * rpdrs
- *
- * relative polygon draw. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpdrs(dx, dy, dz)
- Scoord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpdr2s
- *
- * relative polygon draw - only (x, y). Scoord version.
- */
- void
- rpdr2s(dx, dy)
- Scoord dx, dy;
- {
- rpdr((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * rpmv
- *
- * relative polygon move.
- */
- void
- rpmv(dx, dy, dz)
- Coord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpmv2
- *
- * relative polygon move - only (x, y).
- */
- void
- rpmv2(dx, dy)
- Coord dx, dy;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * rpmvi
- *
- * relative polygon move. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpmvi(dx, dy, dz)
- Icoord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpmv2i
- *
- * relative polygon move - only (x, y). Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpmv2i(dx, dy)
- Icoord dx, dy;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * rpmvs
- *
- * relative polygon move. Icoord version.
- */
- void
- rpmvs(dx, dy, dz)
- Scoord dx, dy, dz;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), (vdevice.cpW[V_Z] + dz));
- }
- /*
- * rpmv2s
- *
- * relative polygon move - only (x, y). Scoord version.
- */
- void
- rpmv2s(dx, dy)
- Scoord dx, dy;
- {
- pmv((vdevice.cpW[V_X] + dx), (vdevice.cpW[V_Y] + dy), vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pdri
- *
- * The integer argument version of pdr.
- */
- void
- pdri(x, y, z)
- Icoord x, y, z;
- {
- pdr((double)x, (double)y, (double)z);
- }
- /*
- * pdr2i
- *
- * The integer argument version of pdr2.
- */
- void
- pdr2i(x, y)
- Icoord x, y;
- {
- pdr((double)x, (double)y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pdrs
- *
- * The short argument version of pdr.
- */
- void
- pdrs(x, y)
- Scoord x, y;
- {
- pdr((double)x, (double)y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pdr2s
- *
- * The short argument version of pdr2.
- */
- void
- pdr2s(x, y)
- Scoord x, y;
- {
- pdr((double)x, (double)y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pdr2
- *
- * add another vertex to the polygon array
- */
- void
- pdr2(x, y)
- double x, y;
- {
- pdr(x, y, vdevice.cpW[V_Z]);
- }
- /*
- * pclos
- *
- * draw the polygon started by the above.
- */
- void
- pclos()
- {
- double lstx, lsty, lstz;
- Vector result;
- int i, j;
- Token *tok;
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("pclos: vogl not initialised");
- vdevice.inpolygon = 0;
- if (vdevice.inobject) {
- tok = newtokens(2 + 3 * (numv + 1));
- tok[0].i = POLYF;
- tok[1].i = numv + 1;
- for (i = 0, j = 2; i <= numv; i++, j += 3) {
- tok[j + V_X].f = p[i][V_X];
- tok[j + V_Y].f = p[i][V_Y];
- tok[j + V_Z].f = p[i][V_Z];
- }
- return;
- }
- lstx = p[numv][V_X];
- lsty = p[numv][V_Y];
- lstz = p[numv][V_Z];
- numv++;
- for (i = 0; i < numv; i++) {
- multvector(result, p[i], vdevice.transmat->m);
- p[i][V_X] = result[V_X];
- p[i][V_Y] = result[V_Y];
- p[i][V_Z] = result[V_Z];
- p[i][V_W] = result[V_W];
- }
- dopoly(numv);
- vdevice.cpW[V_X] = lstx;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Y] = lsty;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Z] = lstz;
- }
- /*
- * checkbacki
- *
- * Checks if a transformed polygon is backfacing or not.
- */
- static int
- checkbacki()
- {
- #ifdef PC /* Only has 16 bit ints */
- #define BACKFACE(z) (clockwise ? ((z) <= 0L) : ((z) > 0L))
- long z;
- #else
- #define BACKFACE(z) (clockwise ? ((z) <= 0) : ((z) > 0))
- int z;
- #endif
- int x1, x2, y1, y2;
- x1 = ip1[1] - ip1[0];
- x2 = ip1[2] - ip1[1];
- y1 = ip2[1] - ip2[0];
- y2 = ip2[2] - ip2[1];
- #ifdef PC
- z = (long)x1 * (long)y2 - (long)y1 * (long)x2;
- #else
- z = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;
- #endif
- return(BACKFACE(z));
- }
- /*
- * The following routines are an implementation of the Sutherland - Hodgman
- * polygon clipper, as described in "Reentrant Polygon Clipping"
- * Communications of the ACM Jan 1974, Vol 17 No. 1.
- */
- static void
- polyclip(n)
- register int n;
- {
- int i;
- nout = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- first[i] = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- shclip(p[i], 0);
- shclose(0);
- }
- static void
- shclip(Pnt, side)
- double Pnt[4];
- int side;
- {
- double P[4];
- if (side == 6) {
- ip1[nout] = WtoVx(Pnt);
- ip2[nout++] = WtoVy(Pnt);
- } else {
- copyvector(P, Pnt);
- if (first[side]) {
- first[side] = 0;
- copyvector(F[side], P);
- } else if (intersect(side, I, P)) {
- shclip(I, side + 1);
- }
- copyvector(S[side], P);
- if (visible(side))
- shclip(S[side], side + 1);
- }
- }
- static void
- shclose(side)
- int side;
- {
- if (side < 6) {
- if (intersect(side, I, F[side]))
- shclip(I, side + 1);
- shclose(side + 1);
- first[side] = 1;
- }
- }
- static
- intersect(side, Ip, Pnt)
- int side;
- register Vector Ip, Pnt;
- {
- register double wc1, wc2, a;
- switch (side) {
- case 0: /* x - left */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] + Pnt[0];
- wc2 = S[side][3] + S[side][0];
- break;
- case 1: /* x - right */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] - Pnt[0];
- wc2 = S[side][3] - S[side][0];
- break;
- case 2: /* y - bottom */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] + Pnt[1];
- wc2 = S[side][3] + S[side][1];
- break;
- case 3: /* y - top */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] - Pnt[1];
- wc2 = S[side][3] - S[side][1];
- break;
- case 4: /* z - near */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] + Pnt[2];
- wc2 = S[side][3] + S[side][2];
- break;
- case 5: /* z - far */
- wc1 = Pnt[3] - Pnt[2];
- wc2 = S[side][3] - S[side][2];
- break;
- default:
- verror("intersect: ridiculous side value");
- }
- if (wc1 * wc2 < 0.0) { /* Both are opposite in sign - crosses */
- a = wc1 / (wc1 - wc2);
- if (a < 0.0 || a > 1.0) {
- return(0);
- } else {
- Ip[0] = Pnt[0] + a * (S[side][0] - Pnt[0]);
- Ip[1] = Pnt[1] + a * (S[side][1] - Pnt[1]);
- Ip[2] = Pnt[2] + a * (S[side][2] - Pnt[2]);
- Ip[3] = Pnt[3] + a * (S[side][3] - Pnt[3]);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static
- visible(side)
- int side;
- {
- double wc;
- switch (side) {
- case 0: /* x - left */
- wc = S[side][3] + S[side][0];
- break;
- case 1: /* x - right */
- wc = S[side][3] - S[side][0];
- break;
- case 2: /* y - bottom */
- wc = S[side][3] + S[side][1];
- break;
- case 3: /* y - top */
- wc = S[side][3] - S[side][1];
- break;
- case 4: /* z - near */
- wc = S[side][3] + S[side][2];
- break;
- case 5: /* z - far */
- wc = S[side][3] - S[side][2];
- break;
- default:
- verror("visible: ridiculous side value");
- }
- return(wc >= 0.0);
- }
- /*
- * bgnpolygon
- *
- * Set a flag so that we know what to do with v*() calls.
- */
- void
- bgnpolygon()
- {
- if (vdevice.bgnmode != NONE)
- verror("vogl: bgnpolygon mode already belongs to some other bgn routine");
- vdevice.bgnmode = VPOLY;
- vdevice.fill = polymodeflag;
- vdevice.save = 1;
- vdevice.inpolygon = 1;
- }
- /*
- * endpolygon
- *
- * Set a flag so that we know what to do with v*() calls.
- */
- void
- endpolygon()
- {
- pclos();
- vdevice.bgnmode = NONE;
- vdevice.fill = 0;
- vdevice.inpolygon = 0;
- vdevice.save = 0;
- }